
Resources beyond the wedding

budgeting apps

We love this for its simple and clean interface with easy-to-use features. 
Get $10 off an annual plan

Every Dollar App

Another trusted app among other catholics and financial-savvy friends. 
Learn more about YNAB

You Need a Budget (YNAB) App

Money is one of the top reasons for conflict in marriage which is why it is so important that you feel like a team on your finances. 

As the two of you become one, you are then sharing all elements of your life together and your money is no different. In taking the other person in marriage, you take on everything about them (including their income and their debt), and now share in each others responsibility to steward that well.

Finances & Budgets

  • Setup a joint bank account and deposit all of your income checks into it. You can then transfer it to other accounts as needed if you feel the need to categorize it further and for other practical purposes such as moving money into savings. 

  • Make a budget each month together to increase the transparency of your finances and communication surrounding it. Then do a weekly check-in to make sure you both know where you’re at for finances that month and make informed decisions. 

  • Personal Spending It’s natural that each person wants a degree of freedom in spending. This is where creativity, trust, and responsibility come into play. For us, we found a compromise that each of us get a personal flex amount each month. Ours is a simple $75 per person and that allows us to use it as we want without impacting other areas of the budget. 

  • Learn from financial experts to gain their advice on eliminating debt, saving, investing, and giving generously. We highly recommend looking into Wallet Win. They're a Catholic company who went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University and became facilitators of his course, but recognized that it lacked a Catholic perspective. So they created an online course and framework that builds on some of those same principles but dives deeper into what our faith says about saving, investing, and giving generously. 

Tips that helped us in our newlywed year:

There can be a lot of emotions (including fear) around the topic of family planning. However, our prayer is that you find the process of learning about the methods of natural family planning to be empowering! There are so many messages the female body is telling us about our health, we just need to learn how to crack the code so we can listen and interpret those messages. 

  • Managing Your Fertility - a starting point for learning about the various methods and information about how tracking your cycle helps your overall health
  • One More Soul Directory - find an NFP-experienced doctor across the country
  • Additional Resources from the Archdiocese St. Paul and Minneapolis including links to class registration for various providers of Creighton method, Billings method, Marquette method, Sympto-thermal method, and more. 

natural family planning (NFP)

Ps. It is ok to switch methods! Just because you start with one method means that you have to stay with it forever. 

We know several couples who found one method helpful before their first kid and other methods more reliable for them once they were postpartum or as different health concerns arose.


Catholic counselors

Individual, couples, and organizations. Based in Saint Paul, MN.

The Martin Center for Integration

Find a values-aligned therapist anywhere across the country.

Please have NO shame for seeking therapy! One of my favorite mottos comes from the Little Sisters of the Lamb religious order which goes, “Wounded, I never cease to love”! It is raw, honest, and above all hopeful! We have to recognize that we are all wounded. Whether that was circumstances surrounding our family of origin, the culture/environment we grew up in, past relationships, or the conflicts we are currently encountering with the person we love.

Seeking to heal your heart and build healthy relationships will always be some of the best things you can do for yourself and your family!

therapy & Counseling

  • Worldwide Marriage Encounter
  • Retrouvaille (Ree-tru-VEYE) is an effective program that helps to heal and renew marriages in serious trouble.
  • The Third Option is another program that is available in some parts of the country
  • Parish priests, deacons and other pastoral ministers are available to talk to couples and to refer them to counselors and programs that can assist them. They are not there to judge, they desire to help!

Retreats & Programs

Pornography Addiction & Sexual Affairs

Specializing in healing from trauma, depression, anxiety, media addictions (porn, video games, internet); in addition to a variety of other topics. 

Jake Voelker

  • Fair Play  helps to divide household tasks fairly based on your needs which can be a source of conflict in relationships, especially as seasons of life change throughout your marriage
  • The Gottman Institute

Relationship-building Resources

Your photogaLlery


Emergency Kit
Vendor recommendations
Sample timelines

catholic wedding tips
hair + Makeup trials
dress fitting 


tips + tricks
feeding vendor team
cocktail hour
cake cutting
special exits


Out of sight time
timing & logistics
Nuptial blessing
receiving lines
aisle Reveals


Table of contents



thanks for reading to the end!